Plans for building a shed

Storage Shed Plans - The Essentials To a Successful Project

Obtaining a quality set of storage shed plans is be the best way to make sure your shed project is successful. Well… that may not be breaking news but you would be amazed at the number of aspiring do it yourselfers that tank their shed projects. Most end up hiring a professional to complete the project or purchase a prefabricated shed from the local home depot.

A storage shed can easily be constructed while only requiring basic carpentry skills, if you are following a quality set of storage shed plans. Step by step building plans are the key to success when it comes to building almost anything. While browsing the internet for a set of plans, here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure the plans you receive are all inclusive and not bit by bit pieces of information. I say that because it only takes missing one item that can cause you to spend an unexpected additional $500 in parts and pieces.

Storage Shed Plans Essentials #1 – Detailed Materials List

The materials you choose to build your shed will determine the project’s impact on your wallet. In order to properly budget you should ensure that materials list provided includes everything so you’ll know exactly what to buy and why you are buying it. There is no need to waste money buying the wrong materials. On most projects you’ll find that when your storage shed plans contain a detailed list of materials you’ll expect to pay significantly less than you would expect to pay for a ready-made shed.

Your storage shed plans should also contain materials options and the cost impact associated with each option. For example, wood options. Whether you choose to use premium lumber, plywood and timbers, cedar, pine, etc. Each will have a different impact on the lifespan and structural integrity of the building so you’ll want your decision making to be seamless.

Storage Shed Plans Essentials #2 – Detailed Schematics and Blueprints

It doesn’t matter your skill level, whether you’ve built a shed before, whether born with 2 left hands, or failed in the past, be sure to select a set of storage shed plans that contain step-by-step schematics and blueprints. This is a simple enough tip, even professional carpenters dare not to venture into such a project without the proper guides, so it should be no different for you. Ignore this essential tip

Storage Shed Plans Essentials #3 – Do Your Due Diligence

There are other aspects to consider aside from the storage shed plans themselves. Obviously you’ll obtain wood and other materials to construct the shed, and depending on the size, you should call or visit the local permit office and make sure everything is in order with location, size dimensions and other concerns relative to your location.

One of the most important issues where permits are concerned is that your shed plan drawings may not be sufficient for the permitting process. Depending on where you are located and what the requirements are of your local permit office, you may need to have an engineer stamp the drawings – they call these “permit drawings”. Not to be confused with plan drawings. So make sure your storage shed plans contain enough detail that they can be stamped if necessary.

You’ll also want to check with your neighborhood home owners association to see what guidelines are in place for building structures in your backyard. A lot of times the HOA rules will define dimensions, placement or require that the structure be no higher than the height of the fence line. You don’t want to get stuck with an unexpected HOA fine after putting in the hard work to build your shed… do your due diligence.

Storage Shed Plans Essentials #4 – Plenty of Options

Directly relative to size, a mixture of variety is constrained by the size of your shed. For example, you can only fit “#” number of doors, windows and other options on a 6 x 8 shed, where on the flip side your choices open up on a 10 x 16 shed. Short of size, options play a crucial role in the appearance of the shed, so have some fun with this and get something that suits your wife’s taste because as men we know her approval is most important.

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